Book cover for The Monster

The Monster



19 September 2019
560 pages
Imprint: Tor


A fascinating tale of political intrigue and national unrest
A tale of intelligence and wonder, set in a believable, detailed world that is populated with rich characters. From the first page I was sucked into a world of captivating intrigue and Machiavellian politics
Smart. Brutal. Gut-wrenching. You’ll be captivated from the very first page. Dickinson is a sly, masterful writer who pulls no punches. Get ready to have your heart ripped out through your throat. Highly recommended
Seth Dickinson skillfully combines intrigue, action, and philosophical musings to create a suspenseful and deeply satisfying read. An intelligent and accomplished first novel reminiscent of Le Guin in its reflections on imperialism, colonialism, and the attractions and corruptions of power