Book cover for When I Was Ten

When I Was Ten



15 April 2021
595 minutes
Imprint: Macmillan


Fiona Cummins evokes the dark arts of journalism and politics with an insider’s relish in this rich, intricately woven novel of childhood crime and adult redemption. I finished it with my heart in my mouth. Highly recommended
This thriller explores typically dark territory for this author, who has a gift for tapping a rich seam of evil that underpins the surface of the every day. Superbly sinister
'Absorbing, tense and beautifully paced'
She is the master of depicting the way the most terrifyingly grotesque and evil psychopaths inveigle their way into the lives of ordinary people . . . When writing from the perspective of ordinary people caught up in horrific events, Fiona Cummins is unbeatable