Jack Monroe’s pear and ginger vegan pancakes

These tempting pear and ginger pancakes are perfect for a delicious, vegan-friendly Pancake Day. 

  • Total time

    30 minutes

  • Prep time

    0 minutes

  • Amount

    Makes 12 pancakes

  • Ingredients
    • 1 x 400g tin of pears
    • approx 225g self-raising flour
    • 11⁄2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
    • 1 tbsp sugar
    • 1 tsp ground ginger
    • 1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon
    • 1 tbsp cooking oil (plus extra for frying)
    • 120ml your favourite vegan ‘milk’
    • To serve (optional) lemon juice/sugar/maple syrup

1. First blend your tinned pears to make a smooth sauce. Empty the entire tin, including the juice, into a small bullet blender and pulse until smooth. Pour this into a small saucepan and simmer for around 15 minutes, until the contents have reduced by a third and are thick and smell delicious. Stir it every now and then to stop it catching at the bottom of the pan and burning.

 2. Turn your oven on to 120°C (fan 100°C/250°F/gas 1/2) and pop a baking tray on the centre shelf. Measure the flour, bicarb, sugar, ginger and cinnamon into a mixing bowl and stir well to combine. Make a well -a small hole -; in the centre of the dry ingredients. Pour in the pear sauce, oil and milk; and beat thoroughly to form a smooth batter.

3. Heat a little oil in a large non-stick frying pan. When the oil is sizzling, dollop a dessertspoon of the mixture into it, and another one, and another one, leaving space for them to expand. Cook for 3 minutes on one side and then carefully, but quickly, turn over with a spatula. Don't worry if they scrumple up a little, mine frequently do; they taste all the same to me! Cook for 2 minutes on that side and then transfer carefully to the oven to keep warm and continue to gently cook.

4. Repeat until all the pancake batter is used up. Serve with lemon and sugar; immediately!

Vegan (ish)

by Jack Monroe

Vegan(ish) is full of one hundred simple, affordable recipes which are perfect both for committed vegans and for anyone who wants to give vegan cooking a try. From breakfast Muckmuffins to Kinda-Carbonara, Jack’s home cooking is tasty, tempting and uncomplicated.