Book cover for Dear Reader

Dear Reader



17 September 2020
260 minutes
Imprint: Picador


I cannot tell you how much I loved this book. I’ve just turned the final page with tears in my eyes, and like all the best things, I’m so desperate for you all to share in its wonder . . . if you love books or if you need companionship during a difficult patch in your life or if you simply want to be taken by the hand by a writer who is kind, wise, funny, generous, insightful and profound, then this is the book for you
Dear Reader celebrates reading as a means of connection and a vehicle for escapism. It’s a heartfelt reminder that, for all the wholesome effects that reading arguably has, the first reason to do it is for pleasure. Fittingly, Dear Reader is a pleasure to read
Dear Reader is a love letter to stories and reading from one of our very best memoirists. Joyful, poignant and essential reading for people who love books . . . it is a book to cherish
I will never, ever forget the way Dear Reader made me feel: it is profoundly tender, generous, joy-filled, love-filled and compassionate. I have read so many wonderful books this year but this is the one I would buy and give away to everyone in the world if I could