Book cover for The Lost Pilots

The Lost Pilots



14 June 2018
288 pages
Imprint: Macmillan


[A] rollicking true story of open-air flying, sexual passion and unnatural death in the early age of aviation — a tale that brings a fresh meaning to the term “airport thriller”.
In The Lost Pilots, Corey Mead spins an electric tale about two ambitious lovers who risked everything for fame, only to be brought low by a toxic mix of jealousy and despair. Meticulously researched and told with wondrous flair, this story will work its magic on you as it conjures the era when only the most audacious souls could rule the skies.
The Lost Pilots is a rich, vivid recreation of a lost era—when flying was new and the frontiers were fresh, but humans were the passionate, irrational creatures we’ve always been. It is Mead’s great achievement that he tells a story in which the tapestry of the time and the doings in the courtroom are equal parts of his narrative whole. The Lost Pilots is irresistible.