Eowulf: Of Monsters and Middle School
Eowulf: Of Monsters and Middle School by Mike Cavallaro is an action-packed, hilarious, full colour, comic adventure full of heart, featuring an unforgettable and iconic new heroine!
Eowulf Wegmund just had the most amazing summer ever. She travelled to a magical supply shop, rescued unicorn soldiers from a pocket dimension and fought an evil god. Pretty cool stuff, even if you are descended from the legendary monster hunter Beowulf!
Now Eowulf finds herself back home, where the only monsters are the ones in her Dungeons & Dragons game, and the scariest creature around is her classmate Amadeus Hornburg – and he's just a kid that everyone thinks is a bit strange! But when a mysterious supervillain returns to wreak havoc on their quiet town, Eowulf and Amadeus must join forces to unearth a dark past that wants to stay buried . . .