Book cover for My Box-Shaped Heart

My Box-Shaped Heart

Ages 12 to 16



17 May 2018
384 pages
Imprint: Macmillan Children's Books


a fun, lighthearted, quick romance read. That deals with mental health too.
So vivid that the characters stayed with you long after the last page. Every character was completely true to life, the scenarios so easily recognisable. Not afraid to touch on difficult subjects - but done in a way that wove them naturally into the story. Highly recommend
A powerful, romantic and life-affirming story which tackles tricky social issues and left me feeling totally inspired.
So vivid that the characters stayed with you long after the last page. Every character was completely true to life, the scenarios so easily recognisable. Not afraid to touch on difficult subjects - but done in a way that wove them naturally into the story. Highly recommend