Out on 06 February 2025
Book cover for The Bones Beneath My Skin

The Bones Beneath My Skin



06 February 2025
400 pages
Imprint: Tor


Are we going on an adventure? Yes, yes we are! This is the sci-fi romance adventure you never knew you needed. TJ’s characters are broken but they are so full of heart and hope that you will lose yourself entirely to their story and find that they will continue to remain in your heart long after you have finished

I loved it. It is like being wrapped up in a big gay blanket. Simply perfect

The House in the Cerulean Sea is a modern fairy tale about learning your true nature and what you love and will protect. It’s a beautiful book

Under the Whispering Door is a kind book, full of faith in the goodness of people . . . It broke my heart with its unflinching understanding that grief never goes away, never empties, only settles into the room of your soul like a strange souvenir. And then it healed me in the next breath