This is London, but not as you know it . . .

A few surprising facts that Ben Judah's This Is London has taught us about the city we call home.

A few surprising facts that Ben Judah's This Is London has taught us about the city we call home.

Our capital city has changed immeasurably over the last few decades. In This is London, acclaimed foreign correspondent, Ben Judah explodes fossilized myths and offers a fresh, exciting portrait of what it's like to live, work, fall in love, raise children, grow old and die in London now.

Here are a few things that This Is London has taught us about our capital:

There are more people in London with little to no English than live in Newcastle.

Nearly 320,000 people in London cannot speak English well or don't speak any English at all according to the Office for National Statistics.

Life expectancy differs by 18 years between south and north Kensington.

In some cases this is even greater. Eighty-nine is the life expectancy for a white woman in a Chelsea town house, whereas the life expectancy of a Moroccan man in the North Kensington estates over the Westway is sixty-two, despite the locations being fewer than 5 miles apart.

This is London

by Ben Judah

This is London in the eyes of its beggars, bankers, coppers, gangsters, carers, witch-doctors and sex workers.

This is London in the voices of Arabs, Afghans, Nigerians, Poles, Romanians and Russians.

This is London as you've never seen it before.