Book cover for The Chosen Dead

The Chosen Dead



30 January 2014
416 pages
Imprint: Pan


Matthew Hall’s previous four novels are very good. This one is even better . . . This exciting story raises eternal and unanswerable questions and teaches the eternal and unwelcome truth . . . the crusading coroner, neither ruthless nor calculating, come out on top in the end
Every so often, I’m lucky enough to read a book which pulls me in so tightly that I don’t want it to end – the sort of book where you find yourself slowing on the last few pages, just to prolong the enjoyment that bit more. The Chosen Dead is such a book, and it had me in its thrall from the first chapter . . . intricately plotted and hugely enjoyable
Splendid . . . Regular readers of Matthew Hall will expect Jenny to be risking life and limb to bring to light crimes which others would rather remain hidden and she does. If you’ve read earlier Hall’s books such as The Disappeared and The Flight (one of the best) you will not be surprised to hear that this new one effortlessly maintains his usual high standard