Celebrate National Sickie Day with Lisa Owens' Not Working

Made it into work today? Congratulations! Now you can reward yourself with a sneak peek of Lisa Owens' sharp, funny debut Not Working.

Made it into work today? Congratulations! This is supposedly the worst day of the year for skiving off.

Why not take advantange of the empty office with a little break to watch Lisa Owens reading from her fresh, funny debut novel, Not Working?

Not Working

by Lisa Owens

Claire Flannery has had more than a few sleepless nights lately. Maybe she shouldn't have walked out of her job with no idea what to do next. Maybe she should think before she speaks -- and maybe then her mother would start returning her calls. Maybe she should be spending more time going to art galleries, or reading up on current affairs, and less time in her pyjamas, entering competitions on the internet. Then again, maybe the perfect solution to life's problems only arises when you stop looking for it . . .