The Attack of the Alien Brain
Ages 7 to 9
Imprint: Macmillan Children's Books
Hi! I'm Oliver Tibbs (some people call me 'Oliver Fibbs') and everyone in my family is super-brilliant at something - chess, ballet, brain surgery and architecture - but I'm not brilliant at anything. Show and Tell (or as I call it: Pain and Torture Time) is my worst nightmare . . . I haven't got a black belt at karate or made a mega-powerful electro-magnet. All I'm good at is reading comics and eating pizza. But I'm fed up with being Dull and Boring, so I've been telling the class about my adventures as a Defender of Planet Earth - battling against the evil Alien Brain Drain who wants to take over the world! Everyone loved it except Miss Wilkins, who gave me a detention for telling fibs. Now my parents think I'm Going Bad. I keep telling them - THEY'RE NOT FIBS, THEY'RE STORIES!
208 pages
Imprint: Macmillan Children's Books
The best thing about reading is sometimes the good stories and sometimes the information you can find out. My favourite book is Oliver Fibbs by Steve Hartley, he tells a lot of lies so it makes it interesting.News & Star (West Cumbria)
Hooray for this marvellous champion of the dull and boring!The School Librarian
Although it is aimed at her age range - 7 - she did ask for help with some of the words, which is another good sign, as I like her books to challenge her while also keeping her interested enough to keep wanting to read on, rather than just giving up.Talk About Cheesecake
One evening when we were reading Oliver Fibbs: The Attack of the Alien Brain he read to within a few chapters of the end by lights out time. He'd got a page or so to go to finish the chapter so I said he could read those before turning his lights out. Twenty minutes later he emerged from his room to fess up to having read to the end because he'd got into the book and wanted to know how it ended. If that isn't an endorsement of a book I don't know what is.92three30.com