Did Louis Theroux really say that? Find out

‘Did you get a tingle, Mike?' Whether alien hunting or auditioning for musicals, Louis Theroux's responses to surreal situations never fail to entertain. But how much does Louis remember? We put him to the test.

In 1998, Louis Theroux found himself in Colorado, wearing a cyborg helmet set to project a laser beam of 3rd eye energy, grasping an alien-rifle and on the lookout for UFOs.

Where others would struggle to find words, thankfully Louis always does.

So, in a career that has spanned more than thirty years and traversed the backstreets of Bangkok to the swinger clubs of South Carolina, the quotes of Louis Theroux make for fine reading and – taken out of context – excellent memes.

While his memoir, Gotta Get Theroux This, offers eagerly awaited (and often hilarious) insights into how Louis felt in these surreal situations, one question remains. For Louis, do responses such as ‘do you just come down here and hit yourself with things?’ and ‘I’m in the pool, I’ve taken all my clothes off’ become normalised – the equivalent of office small talk to the rest of us – or are these weird and wonderful encounters etched into his memory . . .

 We found out for ourselves and put Louis to the test in this exclusive ‘did I really say that?’ quiz.

In this exclusive and very unique interview, Louis interviews himself and asks some rather probing, and sometimes awkward, questions:

Here, Louis discusses just some of the many weird experiences he's had during the course of his career:


Gotta Get Theroux This

by Louis Theroux

Gotta Get Theroux This takes the viewer on a joyous journey from Louis' anxiety-prone childhood to his successful documentary career. Louis created an award-winning documentary style that saw him immersed in the strangest of situations, from the world of paranoid US militias to the homes of celebrities such as Max Clifford and Chris Eubank. This funny and heartfelt book is Louis at his very best.