Book cover for Other Passports

Other Passports



06 April 2017
240 pages
Imprint: Picador


Clive James is a brilliant bunch of guys
Clive James is a true poet. Line after line of his has a characteristic personal tone, a kind of end-stopped singingness which is almost independent of what it says . . . It is precisely because he harps so much on poetry as a public art with a responsibility to its readers of satisfying their expectations of form and meaning, that it is important to stress his latent loyalty to poetry as beautiful language
I approached the book with dread and was quite overwhelmed by it. It seemed to me to be persuasive, moving, intelligent. It was a commentary on our times and on the world
Brilliant, amusing and technically dazzling poetry . . . Few poets since Bryon have handled ottava rima with such dexterity and confidence. Part of fun we derive from reading James come from his delighted awareness of the risks he is running and the skill and cleverness with which he is coping with the challenge