Last Bus to Woodstock
The first intriguing case that began Colin Dexter’s phenomenally successful Inspector Morse series.
‘Do you think I'm wasting your time, Lewis?’
Lewis was nobody’s fool and was a man of some honesty and integrity.
‘Yes, sir.’
An engaging smile crept across Morse’s mouth. He thought they could get on well together . . .
The death of Sylvia Kaye figured dramatically in Thursday afternoon’s edition of the Oxford Mail. By Friday evening, Inspector Morse had informed the nation that the police were looking for a dangerous man.
But as the obvious leads fade into twilight and darkness, Morse becomes more and more convinced that passion holds the key . . .
Last Bus to Woodstock is followed by the second Inspector Morse book, Last Seen Wearing.
Traditional crime writing at its best; the kind of book without which no armchair is completeThe Sunday Times
No one constructs a whodunit with more fiendish skill than Colin DexterThe Guardian
Dexter has created a giant among fictional detectivesThe Times
The writing is highly intelligent, the atmosphere melancholy, the effect hauntingThe Daily Telegraph