McFly’s Dougie Poynter introduces his new book Plastic Sucks! You Can Make A Difference

Here, Dougie Poynter, McFly and McBusted bassist, I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! winner and environmental activist, introduces Plastic Sucks! and tells us why he believes young people are the key to solving the world’s environmental issues.

McFly’s and McBusted’s bass guitarist, 2011 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! winner, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ambassador and environmental activist, Dougie Poynter, will be publishing a brand new book with Macmillan Children’s Books, Plastic Sucks! You Can Make A DifferenceFind out more about the book - and its exciting journey - from Dougie himself in the below video.

Dougie Poynter has been a huge environmental advocate for years and works closely with charities such as WWF, Greenpeace and Five Gyres. He is committed to cleaning up the planet and was instrumental in the campaign to ban microplastics in the UK. This campaigning book is Dougie’s first solo-authored project and draws on his own experiences in the fight against plastic waste – the problems he's encountered and the solutions he’s found.

Talking about finding his inspiration for the book, Dougie says, “Conservation has been a huge part of my life since I first learnt about deforestation at school. The problem that I instantly found with being educated about something like that is that there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to travel the world with my band and some of the sights we have seen were heart-breaking. The planet is an absolute mess and needs a big old clean up. I’ve been working with the WWF for about six years now, initially with Mountain Gorillas and I have since been focussing my attention on the oceans, plastic and recycling.

“After a lot of research and campaigning to get harmful products banned, I learnt that the most impactful thing we could do was educate the next generation. I really believe we can get the earth back on track. What I plan to do with the book is to debunk a lot of rumours that may be out there and offer positive solutions. I am very excited to be working with Macmillan and to be joining forces, to get everyone involved in our effort to make a difference to the planet.”

Dougie's illustrated non-fiction title will publish on 5th September 2019. An accessible call-to-action, packed with easy-to-follow steps and infographics to help young people ditch single-use plastic by making small changes in their everyday lives. The book will also cover the history of plastic, introduce key campaigners and eco-entrepreneurs, and feature interviews with some of Dougie’s environmental heroes.

Belinda Ioni Rasmussen, Publisher of MCB, comments, “We believe Plastic Sucks! You Can Make A Difference is a must-have book with an incredibly timely message. We are absolutely thrilled to have Dougie on board to make this positive call-to-action project happen. It carries issues very close to his heart and ours.”

Gaby Morgan, Editorial Director, adds, “We are so pleased to welcome Dougie to the Macmillan Children’s Books list. He is a lifelong supporter of environmental causes and we are delighted to join him on his mission to encourage people to take action to help save the planet – one small warrior at a time!”

Plastic Sucks!

by Dougie Poynter

Full of interviews with experts and entrepreneurs such as Less Plastic UK founder Amanda Keetley and children’s author and activist Lauren St John, Plastic Sucks! is an awesome, inspiring and educational book showing kids the impact plastic is having on our world and what we can do to help.